Sunday, October 16, 2016

How to Wear Red Lipstick

Many women, and sometimes even men, break out the red lipstick during the holiday season! So, with the holidays right around the corner, I figured this was an essential post for those who feel like they just can't pull off the striking red lipstick!

Red lipstick is a timeless and beautiful makeup product that can easily be worn the wrong way. It is classy and sophisticated and must be worn correctly in order to pull it off. 

Find Out What Shade is Right For You

Red lipstick comes in a variety of different shades. It's very easy to pick the wrong color for your skin type. 

If you have fair skin, you should find a "true red". Avoid reds with orange undertones.

Medium skin tones should look for those orangey reds. You can even wear reds that are more towards the pink side.

If you have dark skin, look for the darker shades. You can go for wine reds and even reds with purple hues.

Wear Lip Liner

Lip liner is a must with red lipstick. It locks the bold color in place so that the color will not "bleed" out onto the outer areas of your lips. Make sure to match the lip liner as well as you can to the color of the lipstick.

Makeup Choice

The other makeup products you choose to wear on your face has a lot to do with if your red lipstick will look good. Your lips will be the main part of the show - remember that. If you choose to wear eye shadow, don't wear much and choose a neutral color. Don't pack on the blush either. You don't want bright red lips and bright pink cheeks. It's just too much!

Outfit Choice

Because red is such a bold color, you will have to base your entire outfit off of the color of your lips. You never wants to wear red lipstick with an outfit that has many different colors. It's so easy for your outfit to clash with your lips. Black and browns are best color choices when wearing a red lip. A solid black dress would look awesome with a red lip. Try wearing jeans with ballet flats and a leather jacket with a red lip. Neutrals are the way to go with this bold statement. It's very easy to ruin the effect of a red lipstick with the color clothes you choose to wear. Tip - never wear pink with a red lipstick.

Pearly Whites

One thing red lipstick is very good at is accentuating teeth color. Whether your teeth are very white or very yellow, this lipstick color will make that very noticeable. I love the look of red lips, but never felt confident enough to wear it because my teeth just weren't up to my expectations. I began to whiten my teeth and it definitely helped my problem. It doesn't hurt to begin whitening your teeth regularly. A beautiful red lip will look even more gorgeous with pearly, white teeth.

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