Monday, May 2, 2016

Cream Contouring

Contouring is a great way to define your facial features and create dimension. It has become very popular recently in the makeup world! You have most likely heard of contouring using powders, which is the most common way of doing it! But, cream contouring has become popular as well. Today I am here to show you a step-by-step tutorial of how to achieve that contoured look using cream products!

Find the Hollows of your Cheeks

What you are going to want to do first is find the areas where you should apply a contour shade to create the look. A trick to do this is to use a pencil or a makeup brush and roll it down your cheek until you find the hollows of your cheek. You will feel your pencil/brush roll into that indent. The hollows of your cheek are usually found from an ear near the top of your ear to the corner of your mouth!

Apply the Contour Products

After I applied my foundation, I applied my products onto where I need them to go. I used a concealer that's darker than my skin tone for the contour shades. I used a concealer that is a shade lighter than my skin tone as my highlight shade. I applied the darker concealer to the hollows of my cheek bones, around my temple area, and to the sides of my nose to help my nose appear thinner. The lighter shade of concealer is used in the places where you would like to highlight your face to make it seem lifted and defined. I like to use the Dot Technique to apply my concealer because I find it helps to limit the amount of product used and it is easier to blend out!

Blend, Blend, Blend

I like to blend my highlight shade out first because I find it easier to blend out the contour shade after the highlight is done. You can use a brush or a sponge for this step!

Blend, Blend, Blend

After my highlight shade is blended, I then go in with a brush and blend out that cream contour.


Baking is crucial to me while contouring because it helps to clean up the contour and create a sharper edge which really helps with the effect of a defined face. I used a dry sponge and loaded it with translucent powder and pat it on my face where I wanted the contour to look cleaner. After a few minutes, use a brush to dust off that powder and your contour will look a lot sharper.

Finish Your Look

After I baked, I went in with powder contour shades and lightly dusted it right on top of where I applied the creams. This helps "set" the cream products and stops it from sweating or smearing off throughout the day!

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