Tuesday, March 1, 2016

7 Makeup Tips and Tricks

Every person needs a few good tips that will make their mornings a bit easier! These seven beauty tips will help you with your daily beauty routine in more ways than one!

Scotch Tape Stencil

Put a small strip of tape on the outer corner of your eye to create a perfect stencil for either your eye liner or your eye shadow to create a sharp edge. Be sure to rub the tape on the back of your hand a few times before to ensure that the tape wont be too sticky and harm your skin.

Plastic Spoon When Applying Mascara

Don't you hate when you are applying mascara and it gets messy on your skin? Use a plastic spoon as a guard when applying mascara to your upper and lower lashes to prevent the mess!


Want the effect of having eye makeup on but don't feel like putting in the effort in having to do it? Take a dark pencil eyeliner and gently apply on your upper water line! This will give you the effect of thick and fuller eye lashes without mascara!

Match Foundation To Your Neck 

Most of the time when trying to find a new foundation, we match the foundation shade to either our face or hand. The best thing to do is match the shade to your neck. You want to be sure that the color of your face (with makeup on) is identical to the color of your neck so that you will not have a line of where your foundation starts and your neck color begins.

Long-lasting Lipstick

After applying a lipstick, take some translucent powder and sweep it across your lips. This will give you a long-lasting matte look that will stay put all day!

DIY Makeup Brush Cleanser

Don't be fooled by all of the products out there that claim to be the best cleansers for your beauty tools. You can easily use items you most likely already have at home. I take a small glass of warm water and add a few drops of Dawn's Dish Soap to clean my brushes. I dip my brush in the mixture and swirl it around my hand and rinse. If you have dry skin, adding a small amount of Olive Oil to your mixture is a great thing to add to your brushes so that every use will condition your skin.

"Tint" Your Eyelashes

If you have lighter eyelashes and you love the color that mascara gives them but really don't feel like taking the time to apply mascara, you can take a felt tip liner and sweep it vertically along your eyelashes to give them a darker tint!

I apologize for this post being two days late. I recently started a new job and I now work on Saturdays and Sundays. I will try my best to continue to post on Sundays! If not on Sunday, no more than three days after!


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